This is a place where we will document the work we do, classes we teach and animals we meet and come to love.
We, being Carol and Colleen Mulrooney - a mother and daughter team who happen to do what they love and love what they do. Both animal lovers, but working in different, yet related fields of animal well-being.
Carol is a Reiki Master and Animal Empath. Her healing path led her to including animals in her healing practice, at a time when there wasn't a lot of information available on animal healing. As her intuition grew, she was able to "see" what was ailing her animal and human clients. This grew into her Empath Readings - answering pressing questions pet owners had about their beloved companion animals.
Colleen Mulrooney was lucky enough to grow up in a family where animals played a central role. She rode ponies from a young age and was the family "vet" administering medication to all the "sick" pets. Scary maths and biology marks meant the idea of actually being a vet went out the window. Three years studying graphic design led her to exploring one of her passions – she started drawing friend's pets which evolved into her PetPawtraits. A troubled horse who didn't respond to traditional training led her down a path towards animal communication and a gentle training method which a sensitive Thoroughbred mare would respond to.
Eventually Carol and Colleen pooled their interests and developed a workshop titled Animals; Our Soul Companions. This has led them on a wonderful journey of discovery, learning themselves as the explored the world of animal healing and communication.
Here follows their stories and experiences - meant to inspire and awaken in you, the same sense of wonder which they have shared with workshop participants since 2004.
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