Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Art Every Day Month 2011

I've wanted to participate in a 365 type-project but there's no guarantee that I'll stick to it. I saw AEDM and remembered how sorry I've been in previous years to have 'missed out.'

I know I'll be enjoying my camera again soon, now that I've finally moved. The settling in part is taking longer than expected though...

I can't actually believe I'm here *pinch* Living in the country again. With my horse munching grass in the barn, my dogs sleeping on the couch. This is country living :)

So, to kick off a rather rushed start to Art Every Day Month 2011... this is Velvette in the gorgeous afternoon light. The sun was setting when my Lab plonked herself down and smiled when I mentioned the 'S' word (SWIM) - one of her favourite things.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

She looks like a sweet dog. Nice photo.